Wine & Spirit Eurohub
The traditional wine sales model is most often based on local distributors.The traditional wine sales model is most often based on local distributors.
The volume of sales depends on many factors, e.g. the market on which it is conducted, the maturity of the development of distribution channels built by your representative or the price offered in relation to the quality/recognition of the drink.
Who among you hasn't experienced a situation where the wine you are about to order in a restaurant has just run out? What did you do? Have you ordered the other one? - Yes, and most often from another manufacturer.
This is a constant problem in Horeca markets and stores - stocks tend to run out.
The main reason for this situation is the distance of stocks from sales markets. New World wine producers work with national or regional distributors to ensure supply, but if they don't correctly forecast sales for each of your products, they often run out of stock. Thus, you lose part of your possible sales. The stock will only be replenished once we receive the next delivery from your winery - and until then, other items will replace yours.

Regional distribution platform
We provide services related to the Supply Chain for the wine & spirit industry.
Based on the warehouse/logistics platform located in Central Poland in Wolbórz, we deliver goods to recipients located in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.
The volume of deliveries is adjusted to the commercial needs of distributors.
Deliveries to recipients are made:
- dedicated vehicles
- general cargo networks
- dedicated vehicles (from 2.5 to 24 tons)
- parcel deliveries - courier (mainly for e-commerce customers)
Wine logistics for retail
Partner Logistic has been running a warehouse for excise goods since 2006.
It has its own modern warehouse with an area of 26,500 m2
- Having a central warehouse for wines allows retail chains to consolidate loads from various import suppliers and deliver them to individual RCDs in the expected quantities and time.
- The central warehouse ensures the consolidation of wines and spirits both from the EU (tax warehouse) and from other continents (customs warehouse).
- Concentrating wine & spirit goods in one place ensures more effective inventory management
- It allows you to defer the payment of taxes, including excise duty, by storing it in a tax or customs warehouse