B2C service

Why Partner Logistic in e-commerce?

Partner Logistic has:

  • an excellent location in the center of Poland, which ensures optimal transport costs and speed of goods delivery.
  • IT infrastructure ensuring quick processing and timely execution of all received orders
  • a high-class Warehouse Management System that facilitates effective management of entrusted goods and ensures error-free identification and issuance of goods using radio scanners by scanning EAN codes on products.

The class A warehouse, with an area of 26,500 m2, has a high rack storage system, block storage space and shelf locations.

Qualified staff with many years of experience in logistics, which ensures a short implementation time of each e-commerce project for each business.

We have office space for companies.

  • The right product – 100% compliance of the goods sent with the received order
  • Right time - 100% of orders are processed within 24 hours
  • Correct quantity – 100% compliance of the quantity of goods sent with the order received. Zero inventory gaps.
  • Proper condition of goods in delivery
  • Appropriate costs – efficient use of resources allows you to offer an attractive price
  • The right logistics solutions tailored to customer needs
  • The right place – 100% certainty of delivery to the indicated address